Popular It certification






Amazon Web Services is a constantly evolving cloud ecosystem, staying up with new AWS services and features can be a chore. That’s why earning an AWS certification is such a great IT career move. In the eyes of future employers,


Know the basic of programing (functions, environment variables,CLI & JSON)

No AWS Cloud Experience is necessary

Windows / Linux / Mac OS X Machine

Do this Course Online or Offline if you want to paas AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam (DVA-C01) and Master The AWS Platform!

Courses apply the right AWS services for your future real-world AWS projects

Deploy an application using Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CICD tools with full automation

Under Serverless API using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB & Cognito

Write infrastructure as code using AWS Cloud Formation

Implement messaging and integration paterns using AWS SQS, SNS & kinesis

Master the CLI, SDK and IAM security best practices in EC2

Monitor, Trace and Audit you microservices using CloudWatch, X-Ray and CloudTrail

Secure your entire AWS Cloud using KMS, Encryption SDK, IAM Policies & SSM

The AWS Certified Developer Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It’s great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but the new cloud paradigms such as Serverless, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.

NO NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT AWS beginners must welcome to do this.


Expected Course Fee:

Online Course Fee Starts from Rs. 399 to Rs. 5000/- Online Course is mostly via presentation , training video content, online video meeting , by emailng.

Offline course fee Start from 10000 to 50,000. You can do this course at your nearest computer Institute.

I will show you course content in details so that you could decide what exactly the course will be.

  • AWS Introduction
  • AWS Account
  • AWS Account Activation Troubleshooting
  • AWS Fundamentals
  • AWS Regions and AZs
  • IAM Introduction
  • IAM Hans-on
  • About the EC2 Console Changes
  • EC2 Introduction
  • SSH Overview
  • How to SSH using Linux for Mac
  • How to SSH using Windows
  • How to SSH using Windows 10
  • SSH Troubleshooting
  • EC2 Instance Connect
  • Introduction to Security Groups
  • Security Groups Deep Dive
  • Private vs Public vs Elastic IP
  • Install Apache on EC2
  • EC2 User Data
  • EC2 Instances Launch types
  • EC2 Elastic network Interfaces
  • ENI-Extra Reading
  • EC2 Good Things to Know and Checklist

AWS Fundamentals ELB + ASG

  • High Availability and Scalability
  • Elastic Load balancing (ELB) Overview
  • Classic Load Balancer (CLB)
  • Application Load Balancer (ALB)
  • Network Load Balancer (NLB)
  • Elastic Load Balancer- Sticiness
  • Elastic Load Balancer – SSL Certificates
  • Elastic Load Balancer – Connection Draining
  • Auto Scaling Groups
  • Auto Scaling Groups – Scaling Policies
  • EBS Intro
  • EBS Volume Types Deep Dive
  • EBS vs Instance Store
  • EBS vs Instance Store
  • EFS Overview
  • EFS Hands On
  • EBS & EFS – Section Cleanup
  • EFS vs EBS
  • EC2 Data management – EBS & EFS
  • AWS RDS Overview
  • RDS Read Replicas vs Multi AZ
  • AWS RDS hands On
  • RDS Encryption + Security
  • Aurora Overview
  • ElastiCache Overview
  • ElastiCache Strategies
  • Advanced Identity
  • Other Serverless: Step Functions & AppSync
  • Cognito User Pools, Cognito Identity Pools & Cognito
  • SAM Serverless Application Model
  • API Gateway
  • DynamoDB
  • Lambda
  • CloudFormation
  • CloudFront

[end of course content]



  • The AWS Fundamentals: IAM, EC2, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, EBS, Route 53, RDS, ElastiCache, S3
  • The AWS CLI: CLI setup, usage on EC2, best practices, SDK, advanced usage
  • Properly deploy an application: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, CICD, CodeCommit, Codepipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy
  • Infrastructure as code with AWS CloudFormation
  • Monitoring, Troubleshooting & Audit: AWS CloudWatch, X-Ray, CloudTrail
  • AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS, Kinesis
  • AWS Serverless: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Cognito, Serveless Application Model (SAM)
  • ECS, ECR & Fargate: Docker in AWS
  • AWS Security best pratices: KMS, Encryption SDK, SSM Parameter Store, IAM Policies
  • AWS Other Services Overview: CloudFront, Step Functions, SWF, Redshift

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